There aren't too many speakers that I would purposefully and repeatedly attend their sessions. I try to glean at least one nugget from each presenter and move on. I'm sure Lou Holtz will be entertaining and enlightening at the upcoming ICSC Conference in Orlando, but the speaker I most look forward to hearing is Bishop Robert Morneau, for about the twenty-fifth time. I can't listen to him enough, and find his humble, self-deprecatory, humorous and poignant communication style irresistible and inspirational.
As Auxiliary Bishop of Green Bay and Pastor of a large parish, Bishop Morneau can no longer present as much as he used to giving stewardship talks everywhere. However, we recently shared a flight from Minneapolis to Boise as we were both going to speak at the same regional stewardship conference. We updated each other on what had been going on in our lives, told stories, and joked as our flight was delayed. Over the next few days, we had the opportunity to be in the same group of people laughing, learning, sharing and enjoying Idaho hospitality. Bishop Morneau even gave me an autographed copy of his book of poetry on my birthday (which occurred while we were in Boise), although the time together is the gift I'll hold close to my heart the most.
Bp Bob (how he signs his books and notes) is a sports-lover, poet, avid reader, jokester, and obedient servant of God. You can't help but love him! I am uplifted and feel myself drawn closer to Christ by listening to his words. Fans idolize athletes. They want to be just like them, buy the same car, eat at the same restaurants, and just BE in their presence. Well, Bp Bob is someone to follow, to emulate. Even though I can't see myself becoming a Packers follower anytime soon, Bp Bob is one of my heroes.
If you are not coming to the ICSC conference in Orlando this month, through the miracle of technology, you too can hear his thoughts. I was thrilled to learn that his parish posts audio of his homilies online within their parish website. Here is the link...enjoy!
OK, back to the vineyard. You go, too, after you listen to Bp Bob of course...
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