Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Steward Leaders Among Parishes

Parishes just getting started in stewardship, and even those further along, need good examples and ideas from other parishes who have worn their shoes. Every year at the International Catholic Stewardship Council's (ICSC) annual conference, the Archbishop Thomas J Murphy award is presented to a parish for its outstanding work in Christian stewardship formation. The criteria on which parishes are judged is stringent, and their hefty award application submissions (large binders containing samples of what they've accomplished) have been known to give hernias if not lifted properly.

An Archbishop Murphy award designation is a goal worth striving for because of the results these parishes experience in the life of their communities. I've listed the past winners below, along with their websites. Each has something to offer those who are seeking, and many contain bilingual resources.

1. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Wichita, KS - http://www.stfranciswichita.com/
2. St. Joseph, Downingtown, PA - http://www.stjoesdtown.org/
3. St. Charles Borromeo, Boardman, OH - http://www.stcharlesparishboardman.com/
4. St. Matthias, Somerset, NJ - http://www.stmatthias.net/
5. St. Anne, Columbus, GA - http://www.stannecsg.com/
6. St. Luke the Evangelist, Houston, TX - http://www.stlukescatholic.com/
7. St. Michaels, Olympia, WA - http://www.saintmichael.org/
8. Blessed Trinity, Ocala, GA - http://www.blessedtrinity.org/
9. St. Thomas More, Centennial, CO - http://www.stthomasmore.org/
10. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Cincinnati, OH - ihom.org
11. St. Pius the Tenth, Greensboro, NC - http://www.stpiusxnc.com/
12. Queen of Peace, Gainesville, FL - http://www.queenofpeaceparish.org/
13. La Purisma, Orange, CA - http://www.lapurisma.net/

For more information on the Archbishop Murphy and other ICSC awards, including criteria and applications, visit their website at http://catholicstewardship.com/parishes/parish-stewardship-awards .

It is quite busy in the vineyard as we prepare for the coming of our King! Why don't you go too?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Great Stewardship Resource

Advent blessings to you all. I hope your journey so far has been rewarding and spirit-filled!

I recently learned that my good friend Sue Erschen, from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, will be retiring at the end of this year. She is an inspiring source of knowledge for me personally, as well as hundreds of parishes and dioceses around the world. Her talents and passion for the Church, teaching and writing merged perfectly into her role as Director of Parish Stewardship for the Archdiocese. And she uses her talents extremely well to make a return to the Lord! Through the amazing fount called the Internet, Sue has placed all sorts of resources, both practical and spiritual, to help parishes and other diocesan directors in need. If you've never been to their website, I encourage you to visit as you are sure to find something you've been looking for, written in a down-to-earth manner you will like. http://archstl.org/stewardship

I'm excited for Sue, and know that we'll remain in contact as she will continue doing webinars and articles for Our Sunday Visitor. Sue is truly a good and faithful steward of God, a dedicated worker in the Master's vineyard! Why don't you go, too?